Est. 2022

Oliver Family
Base Leaders & Base Eldership Team
Hello! We are the Oliver family. We have been training and sending missionaries as well as going ourselves to the unreached since 2004. We have pioneered YWAM North Idaho and began ministries still active today. We believe God has given us an anointing and authority to mobilize and train missionaries. My wife, (Angela) and I have spent more than 3 and 1/2 years serving in Thailand and now we get to serve here alongside our team and two children, Noah and Eliana. We have been involved in YWAM for over 20+ years and are the current base leaders for YWAM Trang. We're honored to serve God in this beautiful country and to be joining the greater YWAM community that has worked tirelessly in Thailand.

Bartel Family
Base Eldership Team
Hello! We are the Bartel Family. Together Debora (Nicaragua), Caleb (Minnesota), and our almost 4 year old daughter Julianna have the joy of serving the furthering of God's purposes here in Thailand and amongst the unreached world. We are dedicated to see many disciples of Jesus passionately respond to the gospel, be equipped, strengthened, cared for, and released into their God given purposes.

Gonzalez Family
Communications Director
We are Erik and Makayla Gonzalez and we have been involved in missions work since 2020. In 2022 our family was called to serve long term in Thailand. We are incredibly grateful to be serving the unreached here by sharing the Good News of Jesus. We hope to see disciples made and mobilized into the unreached nations of the world, so that Christ may be known and worshipped among all peoples.

Parks Family
Base Eldership Team
Our names are Ethan and Marie Parks. Our family is incredibly blessed to be serving Jesus amongst the unreached and unengaged Buddhist World. We are dedicated to establishing and advancing the vision of YWAM Trang, that all of Thailand may know and make known the light of the world.

Baldwin Family
Base Staff
We are the Baldwin family and we did our DTS with YWAM North Idaho. We are passionate about God’s Great Commission and desire to see all nations receive the good news of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help pioneer a base in the South of Thailand, and continue on in missions wherever God may call us. We want our lives to be spent pursuing obedience, and not worldly happiness. We want to do what’s not getting done!

Holloway Family
Base Staff
We are the Holloways and we serve God in Trang Thailand! We’ve been married since June 2021 and our prayer for our family is that Christ would be glorified in us so that He may be made known to all. From the very beginning, we've been committed to God's command of making Him known amongst all peoples. For us, this meant going to the ones who have never heard. Getting to partner in this way with the Lord is not a sacrifice but an honor and we cannot wait for what is to come!

Kwan and Taksin
Base Staff
Hello we are Kwan and Taksin. We are from Thailand and have been with YWAM for 12 years. During this time we have worked to mobilize believers and reach Thailand with the Gospel. Our prayer is that we would help YWAM Trang in any way necessary to see that vision come to life.

Becca Valler
Base Staff
Hey y’all! I’m a young disciple who has been following Christ’s call to the nations since ‘21. My focus is to disciple and mobilize other young people to follow Jesus into every unreached people group. I want to pass on the fire that Jesus gave me for seeing the lost become found to every person I meet.

Ford (Yuttapichai Dacharat)
Intern Staff
Hello! After finishing my DTS in September of 2023, God has led me to come back to partner with YWAM Trang to be discipled and mature in God so that I might be prepared and ready to be sent out to the nations. God has given me the vision to bring salt and light to the youth and the next generation. My testimony is that after many years of depression, God has brought me freedom in Christ. Now I want others to receive the same love and healing found in God, first in Trang, Thailand and then to all nations as we finish the Great Commission.

Braden Christensen
Base Staff
My name is Braden and as of last year(2022) since graduating my DTS through YWAM North Idaho I have responded to God’s call in furthering His Kingdom amongst the unreached nations. My aim is to mobilize and make disciples in Thailand, sending them to the other unreached nations so that we may complete the Great Commission God has assigned us and also that He may receive the worship that He is deserved from all tribes, tongues, and nations.