Every YWAM journey begins with a Discipleship Training School (DTS).
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a 6-month live-learn experience that brings transformation by empowering you to know God and make Him known.
Pursue God.
The first 3 months of DTS is known as the lecture phase of the school and is spent on our campus in Trang, Thailand.
During this time, you will focus on knowing God, His Word, and fostering a love for the nations. You will seek transformation, a renewed mind, and personal growth alongside your staff team and students.
You’ll learn not only from teachers and speakers from around the world but also from community living and practical training and service in the community.
Make God Known.
Once the Lecture phase is finished, you will enter the Outreach Phase of your DTS. Here you will be activated into the nations with your students and staff to serve amongst the neediest peoples of the earth and be the hands and feet of God.
You will partner with ministries in your school's target nation(s) and work amongst the Unreached and marginalized of the world, sharing the Gospel daily and serving the last, the least, and the lost.
You and your team will daily put into effect all that you have learned from your Lecture Phase. Serve in practical ways, preach the Gospel, love those around you, and expand the Kingdom of God.
One of the goals of DTS is to learn how to hear God's voice and discover your calling. Students are challenged to take what they've learned from DTS and pray to God about what their next steps in life will be.
Whether it's being sent out as a missionary, pioneering new ministries, joining staff, or pursuing a secondary school through YWAM, we aim to mobilize DTS graduates into their God-given callings.